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Selasa, 14 September 2010


Date Released :  27 August 2010
Genre :  Action | Adventure | Drama | History | Thriller | War
Info :
Starring :  Dominic West, Michael Fassbender, Olga Kurylenko

Director :  Neil Marshall
Writer :  Neil Marshall

Tahun 117 Masehi. Kekaisaran Romawi membentang dari Mesir ke Spanyol, dan dibagian Timur hingga ke Laut Hitam. Namun dibagian utara Britania, serangan non-stop dari musuh yang sulit dihentikan: suku liar dan menakutkan dikenal sebagai Picts. Quintus, satu-satunya korban selamat dari serangan suku Picts di benteng perbatasan Romawi, berjalan menuju utara bersama legiun kesembilan milik Jenderal Virilus, bertugas melenyapkan Picts dari bumi dan membunuh mereka pimpinan mereka, Gorlacon. Tapi ketika legiun itu disergap di tanah terasing, dan Virilus ditangkap, Quintus dan pleton kecilnya berusaha bertahan hidup, menghindari suku Pict, menyelamatkan jenderal militer mereka dan mencapai wilayah aman di perbatasan Romawi.

AD 117. The Roman Empire stretches from Egypt to Spain, and East as far as the Black Sea. But in northern Britain, the relentless onslaught of conquest has ground to a halt in face of the guerrilla tactics of an elusive enemy: the savage and terrifying Picts. Quintus Dias (Fassbender), sole survivor of a Pictish raid on a Roman frontier fort, marches north with General Virilus' (West) legendary Ninth Legion, under orders to wipe the Picts from the face of the earth and destroy their leader Gorlacon. But when the legion is ambushed on unfamiliar ground, and Virilus taken captive, Quintus faces a desperate struggle to keep his small platoon alive behind enemy lines. Enduring the harsh terrain and evading their remorseless Pict pursuers led by revenge-hungry Pict Warrior Etain (Kurylenko), the band of soldiers race to rescue their General and to reach the safety of the Roman frontier.

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